How to buy a property in Mussomeli
If you want to buy a house for € 1, you’re in the right place. To do this, just download and sign the model you find on this page, then present it at the offices of the City of Mussomeli. In any case, the sale of a home can not be done by email or telephone. All properties can be purchased after inspection by the interested parties. You can also contact our office at the telephone number (+39) 331 6963926 and book an appointment to visit the houses. To buy your home, you must also comply with the following conditions.
ART.1 - Deadline for signing the deed
You have to stipulate a public deed of purchase of the property within the term of six months from the enforceability of the determination of approval of the classification list;
ART. 2 - Costs to support
You have to support all costs for the drafting of the deed of sale (notarial, registration, transfer, registration, etc.) and any ancillary costs;
ART. 3 - Recovery project
You must prepare a renovation and recovery project of the property, acquiring all the necessary opinions, within a period of one year from the date of purchase;
ART. 4 - Deadline for start works
You have to start works within six months from the date of issue of the building permit;
ART. 4 - Stipulate a surety policy
You have to stipulate a surety policy, in favor of the Municipality of Mussomeli, of the amount of € 5.000,00, valid for three years, a guarantee of the concrete realization of the works. In the event of default by the assignee, the Municipality has the right to forfeit the policy or purchase the property.